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5 Home Improvement Advertising Ideas in 5 Minutes


Run out of home improvement advertising ideas? Home Centers and Home Improvement businesses usually spend a lot on advertising. But, if your ads aren’t attracting the right customers, it's frustrating.

Sometimes it helps to hit the reset button and get back to basics. Grab the attention of your customers with ads that creates curiosity. Don't be afraid to capture their imagination and describe possibilities. When you do this, you'll encourage customers to buy the products or services they need from you.

Here are 5 great home improvement advertising ideas. They will help inspire your team and bring customers through your door:

1. Show Relatable Images

A great way to attract new home improvement leads is to show images that your current (or future) customers can easily relate to. If your target customers see themselves in the ad, they will look closer. 

Here’s an example from one of our clients, a home improvement store and lumberyard, advertising an interior paint sale:

The image is clearly relatable: a couple in a new home or apartment preparing to paint the wall in true DIY fashion. It could be a spontaneous project, or a well-planned one. We capture the eagerness of the couple to transform their new space into their own space.

They seem excited, cautious, perhaps a bit overwhelmed by the process. Most importantly, they look like many of the customers who frequent this home center. As a result, the image is likely to attract similar visitors. Why? Because they can easily relate!

2. Offer a Unique Incentive

Now you have potential customers' attention with a relatable image. Next, keep their attention by offering them a unique incentive!

It’s not always the biggest discounts that drive traffic to home centers and lumberyards. It’s those timely, necessary sales that occur at the right time. Here are a few examples, if your Home Center is located in the northern US:

  • $5 off Interior Paint in January or February
  • 10% off Lawn & Garden in April
  • BOGO Power Tool Sale in December
  • $20 Propane Fill-up Memorial Day weekend

A simple discount is effective when your customer is looking to use that product. Don't forget to use specific sale-ends dates. And make sure to add that the offer applies to in-stock items only.

Remember, advertising incentives aren’t only about sales. There are other ways to entice your customers:

  • 0% or low interest financing
  • Free or low-cost delivery
  • Complimentary design consultations

Keep the incentive short, simple, and easy to understand.

3. Do Something Different

Sometimes it pays to break away from the "same ol', same ol'" and do something different with your home improvement advertising. 

Getting creative with your ad campaigns ideas will grab your customer's attention. A simple switch-up is often good step, like a video instead of still pictures.
  • Want to convey your staff is courteous, helpful and family-oriented? Use homey, family-oriented visuals and copy.
  • Want to attract young contractors? Feature one working from the tailgate of his new pick-up truck, wearing Carhart's.
  • Want to sell new kitchens to second homeowners? Feature before and after videos of your kitchen installs.
Your customers will remember photos and videos longer than written articles and copy. Try breaking up copy by using bold colors to highlight a point and include a photo or graphic to show an idea.

4. Include a Clear Call-to-Action ("CTA")

Maximize the impact of your home improvement advertising with a clear call-to-action (CTA). It's marketing speak for what you want your customer to do - usually to buy something.
It's easy to include a CTA button on digital ads. On print, radio or TV ads you can include a short website address or a text short code.

4. Don't be Afraid to be Personal

Don't be afraid to show off what makes your home improvement business different.
  • Feature employees loading new products
  • Let people know you sponsor Eagle Scout projects
  • Showcase your newest Designs
Thing that are 'everyday' to you, may be cool to your customers. Even something simple like showing that new decking arrived:

Social media sites like Facebook or Instagram are perfect places to be more personal. So be true, and be you.

Have fun creating your own uniquely memorable home improvement advertising ideas!

Sources: https://blog.hubspot.com/marketing/call-to-action-examples, https://www.wordstream.com/blog/ws/2016/12/20/creative-advertising-ideas

Your customers have problems that your Home Center can solve or dreams you can help fulfill. Let them know you can help them with projects large or small.

Your customers want to paint a room, or design and renovate their kitchen. They want to get more organized by building a shed or enjoy their backyard by building a deck or patio.

Help them think of you when they have these projects in mind. Inspire them, coach them, encourage them.

Learn how to Create Magnetic Content that will inspire your customers. Click to get your free eBook.

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