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5 Ways to Attract Customers with a Home Improvement Business Facebook Page


All home improvement businesses can attract new customers by marketing on Facebook. It’s no longer a question of whether or not your business should have a Facebook Page, it’s a matter of using your page wisely.

  • First you want to define your audience
  • Then you want to attract their attention.
  • Once they’re followers, then you'll want them to buy your products or services.
How? It’s simple. Share fun and useful stuff on your Home Improvement business' Facebook page. In other words, things your potential new customers will find interesting.

Don’t worry, it’s easy to expand the reach of your current Facebook business Page. And these Facebook home improvement marketing ideas can start working for you today!

Here are 5 simple ways to attract new customers with your home improvement business’s Facebook Page:

1) Post Fun Stuff!

The more fun you have posting, the more people will interact, comment, and share with their friends. So, give them something great to follow for! Share interesting, thought-provoking, and fun posts with your audience.

Some examples:

  • Tips, tricks, and hacks
  • Photos of your trucks, equipment, and team at work
  • Unusual or trendy design ideas
  • Money saving techniques

It helps to present your home improvement company as it is. You don't have to worry about your posts being professional. A recent Smart Insights study found that 86% of consumers prefer authentic and "real" social posts.

Pro Tip: Aim for 3-5 posts a week and respond to messages and comments to keep the conversation going!

2) Post Project Images

Is your team redesigning kitchens, or working on other home remodeling projects? Then share the results! Sharing images of completed home improvement projects is a fun and easy way to strut your stuff. Your customers want to see what your team can do.

Tagging: Don’t forget to tag the people involved - designers, customers, and anyone else involved in the project. This will give the post added reach and may result in new followers! As you're writing the post, enter the “@” symbol, and then type the person or company’s Facebook Page name.

Hashtags: You can also use hashtags to help people find your business. When you post your project images, add a hash tag #kitchendesign or #remodelingideas. Try it by typing “#” and a phrase that describes your post.

3) Post Contests, Giveaways, and Deals

Get your followers excited about your Page with great deals, contests, or giveaways.

Everyone loves an exclusive deal! You can create that exclusivity by promoting a unique coupon code. it not only helps you track if it's successful, it also helps them to know that deal is "just" for them.

Contests or giveaways don't always have to be a lot of work. In your post you can ask for people to:

  • Guess "how many"
  • Write a caption to a photo
  • Vote for your favorite this or that

The prize can be simple like winning a Gift Certificate. Or products that you don't want to keep on your floor like a discontinued Bathroom Vanity.

In the post copy, don't forget to ask to “Like” your page and comment on the post to enter to win.

Want to get more of your customers to follow your page? Tell them about the Facebook deals, contests, or giveaways. Your email newsletters and your website are great places to spread the word.

Pro tip: Pin these “contest” posts to the top of your Page to make them easier to find.

4) Stay Active Using Your Business Page

Like, share and comment on other posts using your Facebook business Page. This is one of the easiest ways to grow your reach naturally. Interact with local contractors, other local businesses, charities, and community organizations. Look for local event announcements and spread the word on your page. The sky’s the limit on how you can interest with other Pages to create a broader following.

5) Create Page Stories  

Facebook Page Stories are useful to connect with your customers in a more casual way. They only last 24 hours but are seen by more people than your Page’s regular posts. It's a great way to update to your entire audience, make announcements, or share a real-time video or image.

  • Here’s the step-by-step on how to share a story from your mobile device (Android and iPhone).
  • From desktop, click on the “+” icon next to the profile picture. For a text-based post (“Design Tip of the Week,” for example) elect a background image then add text and emojis. Or you can share images, videos or a slideshow of images. Once you’re ready to post, you can select if you want “Your Page’s Story” or “News Feed” or both (by selecting checkboxes)

We hope you enjoy using these 5 simple techniques to help attract new customers to your home improvement business Facebook Page. The most important part of all is to have fun sharing! Fun is contagious, and when you’re enjoying yourself on Facebook, your followers will, too.

Attract More Customers to Your Home Improvement Business

You know that your home improvement center or lumberyard is the perfect DIYer’s one-stop-shop. Want to get the word out to potential customers? Our team has advanced expertise in Home Improvement Marketing and we’re here to answer your questions or help you get started today.   

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