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Growing Your Client Base: Real Estate Marketing Tips


Increasing your real estate company's sales and attracting the right buyers and sellers presents unique challenges. You likely want to target and attract buyers at different life stages, as well as potential property acquisitions, or those in need of specialized services. You also need to get the word out to each audience segment in order to promote your offerings, services, and showings in a timely manner. But you have limited time and energy in each day. And there are so many other aspects of the business to manage.

With so many different tasks pulling you away each day, how can you give proper attention to your real estate company's marketing?

Real Estate Marketing Solutions Tailored to You.

Your marketing needs are unique and your time is precious. That's why it makes sense to craft a real estate marketing strategy that is tailored precisely to your company's needs. One that first targets your potential buyers and/or sellers, delivers just the right messaging to that target audience at just the right time, and then continues to nurture those leads to help them convert into sales or acquisitions.

Real estate marketing firms like yours have unique marketing goals, such as:

  • Developing a real estate digital marketing strategy
  • Promoting your company with a real estate social media strategy
  • Addressing real estate search engine optimization
  • Developing a targeted buyer and seller marketing strategy
  • Staying on top of real estate marketing trends
  • Generating real estate marketing ideas
  • Developing a real estate website design that will work for you
  • Improving client reviews and promoting them
  • Nurturing your potential clients through email campaigns

Obstacles to Real Estate Marketing

Even those your company is unique, commercial and residential real estate industry share common marketing challenges. Maybe you've been asking yourself one of these questions:

Why can't I attract the right clients?
It's frustrating to spend advertising dollars that aren't reaching the right audience. How do you resolve this issue? By targeting the right audiences for commercial real estate firms and residential real estate companies. These may include: first-time home buyers, second home buyers, those looking to up-size as well as downsize, real estate investors and new business owners. But you also need to attract a host of sellers and maintain an attractive portfolio with new leads for acquisitions. 

How do I get the word out in a timely manner?
It's discouraging to have a great property, open house, or event to promote and miss the window of opportunity to get the word out. Timing is everything in your industry.

What if I don't have time for marketing?
Instead of agonizing over marketing campaigns that are shot-in-the-dark at best, your time is likely better spent elsewhere.


Meeting Your Real Estate Marketing Goals

As a logical first order of business, you will want to market your property listings, events and services in such a way that they result in sales. Makes sense. That said, maybe your real estate marketing goals should aim even higher than this.

For example, how about marketing your properties, events and services to exactly the right audience at exactly the right time? This is the key to sales sustainability. It also results in a growing client-base. Beyond that, you can strive to position your company as a community asset and industry thought-leader. By providing expertise, useful tips and consistently relevant information on social channels and through email newsletters, you will gain followers, fans, and a community-base of promoters or even evangelists.

To meet your real estate marketing goals, there are 3 clear steps to take. First things first: define and attract the right buyers and sellers. Next, get the word out to the right audience at exactly the right time. And finally, we will help you nurture these leads to increase conversions by delivering regular content that your clients find invaluable.

1. Attract the right clients. 
The first step to any successful marketing strategy is to define your target audience. This will help you target seller and buyers that are a strong match for your company. Defining your target audience is not as simple as it might seem. For example, you might say, "I'm targeting home-buyers in the upstate New York region." Okay, but are they first-time homeowners, those who just purchased a fixer-upper, empty-nesters, vacationers or weekenders? And, what age range does your ideal client fall into? What gender and income? Do they live in cities, rural areas or suburbs? The more you delve, the more you discover there is to learn about defining your ideal clients.

Next, you will want to expand your reach and grow your client-base in a targeted region. You can increase organic traffic to your website with Search Engine Optimization utilizing relevant Real Estate topics and keywords. And you can deploy targeted social media, pay-per-click, radio and print ads, or a combination of these, to generate immediate traffic results.

2. Get the word out at the right time.
It's critical that your property listings, open houses, and promotional events are broadcast to the right audience at the right time. There are a range of ways to accomplish this, but some common channels are through email, social media, pay-per-click advertising, print or radio, or a smart combination of these. But you shouldn't over-saturate your audience with "properties for sale" or event promotions. Instead, try to provide a consistent stream of useful, relevant and interesting content, sprinkled with the occasional listing or promotional event announcement.

Your audience will appreciate a steady diet of useful & timely content via email, social channels, and blogging.

3. Market smarter.
Instead of taking shots in the dark, you can market smarter to help you meet your real estate company's goals.

What does this mean? It means that instead of casting a wide net with your marketing in the hopes of catching just the right kind of "fish", you develop a strategy targeted towards exactly the kind of "fish" (i.e., clients) you hope to attract. One that uses the right marketing tools for your goals, and trims the waste from campaigns that aren't working. We also recommend partnering with a reliable marketing agency to help you execute those strategies on your behalf, so that you can put your attention back on more urgent tasks and business objectives.

And if you really want to take your marketing to another level, consider automation software. To really maximize budget and free up time and resources, you can implement HubSpot marketing software capable of managing your contacts, automating your email campaigns, creating workflows, facilitating social media and content management, and more.

Become a Thought-Leader in the Real Estate Industry

Beyond targeting the right buyers and sellers, and nurturing those leads into sales and acquisitions, you can enhance your impact by maintaining a reputation as a thought-leader in the real estate industry. How? By providing useful, high-quality content and maintaining a social media presence that consistently offers relevant information to your past and future clients.